Sunday, February 24, 2008

DAYTONA NIGHTS..............

We were back out on the streets of Daytona tonight and it was awesome ministry. The team consisted of Pastor Alex, Pastor Craig, Mel, Kayla, Hope, Christy, Deb, Rusty, Scott and Brittany Durants and I. We were the divine appointment for so many people tonight. It is so hard to see so many people that are headed for eternity in hell. It is so important that we as "Christians" get out and warn people to not go there!!

The team ministering the WORD!!!!

Many of us ministered to this "self righteous" man. We told him that all of his "good works" and all of his money were nothing but "filthy rags" according to the Word.

This young man passed us up but Christy caught him downstream and ministered to him. This is the case for so many because if one of us do not get them someone else in the team will. It is nothing outside this bar for a person to get ministered to by several of our team before they enter the club.

They guy with the black eye to the left is Steven. I ministered to him early in the night and he came across rude at first. We ended up praying for his grandmother and he left. He came back just before we left and apologized for the way that he acted earlier. He told me that the word that I spoke to him earlier had really hit him and that he did not have another drink the rest of the night. He stayed with us for a while and we gave him a ride home. He is going to be getting with Scott and Brittany tomorrow for church. He really wants to start living his life for Jesus.

This is Pastor Alex's ready made disciple with Rusty. He had a real "Get-R-Done" attitude. He started going up to people and asking them if they had Jesus (which just about everybody thinks they do) then he would belt out a "hell ya" after they said they had Jesus. Many of the team did minister the Word to him. We pray that he will change his life for Jesus.

Monday, February 18, 2008

What is up?????

What is going on with many of today's churches? Here are a couple of church signs from the past week here in the Daytona Beach area. Many churches are asleep, doing nothing to attempt to save the lost. We also have churches in the area that charge "soul winners" that come in from out of town to park their motorhomes or travel trailers on the church parking lot. You would think that they would be welcomed with open arms.
Proverbs 11:30 He that wins souls is wise......This does not always go for the church.

This would be nice if it was because the church had hit the streets looking for the lost on Saturday night and that they were just too tired to make it in on Sunday morning. But no, this is the church appealing to the flesh!!

Again, the attitude should be that of Christ Jesus!! Going out and reaching the lost as he commands us to do in Mark 16:15. There are way to many people that are on their way to hell for eternity while many churches operate as social clubs.

Romans 8:5-8 For they who are according to the flesh mind the things of flesh, but they who are according to the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace 7 because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can it be. 8 So then they who are in the flesh cannot please God.
We need soul winners to hit the streets with us for Bike Week (February 29th - March 9th). Come join us in preaching the gospel to a very lost group of people!!