Sunday, November 25, 2007

DAYTONA NIGHTS..............

We had an awesome time on the streets last night. The team consisted of Pastor Troy and Melanie, Pastor Alex and Holly, Kayla, Amanda, Sue, Pastor Craig, Rusty, Cindy and myself. We were the divine appointment for many people. There are so many that profess to know the Lord and do not have a clue.

We were on SeaBreeze Avenue in front of Razzle's Night Club. This is a very popular club on the strip in Daytona Beach.

The women dress very skimpy and the Lord has given me a Word for them. I let them know that in Matthew 5:28 is says that if a man looks at a woman with lustful thoughts that he has committed adultery in his heart. I tell them that they could be responsible for a man going to hell. I tell them that Ezekiel 33:8 says that the mans blood will be on their hands when they stand before the Lord because of their seductive ways. The girl below is named Leesha and she told me that she was raised in the church and that she was dressed that way just for the club. I informed her that she was dressed that way just for the devil. Her breasts were nearly totally exposed. I praise the Lord that He has given me the gift of being able to minister to these women. When a man ministers to a woman telling them that they are wrong for dressing that way it really hits home and instead of acting like they are hot many then are embarrassed and ashamed.

Pastor Alex ministers to a Muslim from Michigan.Pastor Troy ministers to a couple young guys.Pastor Craig and I minister to a young man from Palm Coast that has never tasted alcohol but continues to be in sinful places. He goes to church but has no relationship with Jesus. He is interested in joining us for church in the near future.Pastor Craig and Sue minister to a man.Rusty and Holly spent quite a while ministering to this man.

Pastor Troy and I ministered to this lost devout Catholic girl who was as lost as lost could be. She kept telling us that we needed to read the Dewey something Catholic Bible that justifies all her sin. She said that she will spend some time in purgatory because of the life that she leads. She talked about Jesus drinking wine and then when questioned about where is says that in the Bible she said that we need to watch the King of Kings. She was told that if she does not repent of her sinful life that she will go straight to hell.

The devil and the police were very active in this area last night. Below, the police arrive to break up a big fight. So many people that are lost and that are on their way to an eternity in hell if someone does not reach them. We know that every day and night we go out that we are an answer to someone's prayer for their lost relative or friend. We will have a local outreach this coming Saturday then will be back out on SeaBreeze that night. Come join us in reaching the lost for JESUS!!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Daytona Team Serves in Hollywood, Florida

It didn't take long once we arrived in Hollywood for PT to get the mic in his hand. He preached the Word as usual on several occasions.
PT prays over a brother.
Sue Scott gets prayed over for healing in her body.

Mel prays for and loves on a sister.
Eileen prays for healing for a sister.
RAVEN Deb gets prayer for healing in her knee.
New RAVEN Cindy Robinson in prayer.

We did have an awesome time in Hollywood. Our team consisted of PT, Mel, Kayla, Amanda, Hope, Graham & Sue Scott, RAVEN Deb, Cindy Robinson, Pastor John, and Eileen and I. We served up a bunch of Red Beans & Rice and put that Midwest flavor of Grilled Cheese which was a hit. We made many contacts which will produce some awesome outreaches in the future. It wa really good to go down there and serve God's people.


We are starting to get tuned into some really good ministry on the streets here. We have started hitting an area where the homeless, drug addicts, prostitutes and alcoholics go to a mission where they are fed lunch. Between 11:oo and 1:00 you can see 150-200 people pass through this area. The stories of these people are the same as the people in Chicago (Lower Wacker Dr.) or Washington Gardens in Elkhart, Indiana or Maple St. in Pennsylvania or The Mission in Durham, North Carolina. I could name many more but again, the message is the same. Drugs and alcohol are ruining peoples lives. The economy also has a major effect down here also. Many of the people that we have talked to have been involved in the building profession. People can not afford living in condos and building new houses so new building has hit a drastic slow down. With this people give up and turn to alcohol or drugs instead of turning to the one that they need and of course that is JESUS!!
Today it was Eileen and I accompanied by a new RAVEN recruit, Cindy Robinson. Cindy was led to this area because she has a passion for the lost on the streets and also a passion to be discipled in the Word of God. She has a true servants heart and was very helpful this past Saturday in our outreach in Hollywood, Florida. The three of us ministered the Word from the time we stepped out of the van non stop for 2 hoiurs. Pastor Troy and I had an awesome time ministering in this area last week.
We have many things going on in the near future:
  • Our daily street outreach
  • Daytona Nights (Saturday evenings on SeaBreeze)
  • We will be hooking up the Daytona Outreach Center on a Thursday evening in the near future to provide praise and worship and food to the same people that we minister to daily.
  • December 8th will be heading back to southern Florida to the inner city of Miami for the "Block Party in the Hood". We will be hooking up with some awesome brothers and sisters in the Lord that we met in Hollywood.
  • We will be having our first Saturday afternoon outreach in nearby Holly Hill, Fl. one week from Saturday.

It took a little while to get the ball rolling down here due to putting other things ahead of focusing on "Kingdom Business". We were getting so wrapped up in when we were going to get into our apartment that we got out of focus. Matthew 6:33 says to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and then He will add everything else unto us". We do not have our own place to live yet but we are going to keep our focus where it needs to be. It is amazing how much getting our spoiled flesh uncomfortable can change our lives. We are going to take this time of trials and move closer to JESUS!!!

We apologize that we have not corresponded very well in the past 7 weeks that we have been here. That will change very soon!! We thank those of you that have continued to contribute to our ministry. With the move and change of address we have only received about 25% of the contributors that committed to staying hooked up with us financially. We are hit the hardest by gas prices ($100 a stop) and we have to eat out more than we want because of not having our own kitchen. What I am saying is that we continue to pray that you will help us financially on a monthly basis if possible. We are missionaries in our own country. Many people are always more ready to give if it is to missionaries in a foreign country. Help is so much needed in our own country with not only us but all that will get out to reach the lost.

Please continue to pray for the entire ministry. We see many here that have given everything up to serve the King of Kings. We are very happy to be in this new land to serve HIM!!!!

We are using Pastor Troy and Melanie's address if you would like to send a contribution or you can go to and use PayPal. All you need to do is state that the donation is for us. Their address is:

1117 Shockney Lane

Ormond Beach, FL. 32174

Monday, November 12, 2007

Daytona Nights......

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Daytona Nights....
Pastor Terry and I just came in off the streets (2:00 AM) after having spent the past few hours witnessing and contending with the Devil outside of the Cities most popular night club: Razzles..We didn't have to wait long before we had our first appointment. "Debbie" was working as the parkign lot attendant when we began talking with her. It wasn't long before we knew that she "claimed" to know and love Jesus--yet had a live-in boyfried and and a drug addiction to go along with her "devotion" to the Lord Jesus Christ!.Needless to say, Pastor Terry and I spent the next little bit sharing the truth about salvation and deliverance through faith in the shed blood of Christ. It was a really great conversation and she thanked us for spending the time with her. We invited her to church and gave her our contact info. She said that she would like us to meet her boyfriend sometime and would definitely keep in touch..About twenty yards down the street we ran into three young men: (2) from the Bahamas and (1) from the Dominican Republic. They all claimed to know and serve Jesus--we didn't Gestapo them too much, but really admonished them to serve God and be real in their walk with Christ..Our next major encounter was with "Gabriel" as college student from the Bronx (NY) who was 21 and a "devout Roman Catholic." He was with another young man who sid that he never "argued religion or politics" on the streets--but he certainly caught the whole of our conversation with Garbriel!.It didn't take long to find out that Gabriel wasn't even a very good "Catholic" as he was partying in the night club and admitted to being in a fornicative relationship with his girlfriend. We call him out on his sin in accordance with the Word and he attempted to tap dance around his lifestyle by declaring that it would be okay because, "He was a Catholic" to which we testified that it would not be okay and that unless he repented he would spend eternity in Hell..Garbriel was further exposed when I gave him my customary "Catholic Challenge" by asking if he could quote JUST ONE passage from the Bible--chapter and verse (Just One!!) and he could not! It was as though he had his britches pulled down and was given a good lashing on the backside!.I presented him the plan of salvation and told him that it would take genuine repentance--yet he chose to remain a lost Catholic and I told him that he was now without excuse becaue we had given him the full counsel of God and then we walked away..About 45 minutes later he and his friend would once again come over to us and he said, "Hey I know a scripture! God grant me the serenity..." I interupted him and said, "MMMMMAAAA--wrong answer--that is not in the Bible--THAT is the serenity prayer that they quote at AA meetings" He was busted but thought it MUST be in the Bible..He pulled out his IPhone and got on the internet and tried to look it up in an online Bible--but soon found out that it was not a Bible verse. We continued to talk with him and told him that he was without excuse now because God had sent men to tell him the truth. I offered to give him a Bible to which he said,"Yes" and said that he would call to set up a time to meeet me..Next we met "Rosa", her boyfriend and her girlfriend, Alicia as they came out of the club. Rosa was VERY drunk and was being led out by Alicia when we started witnessing to them. Rosa stopped and begin to get argumentative as she struggled to stand on her feet. I grabbed hold of her and began to bind that drunken devil in the name of Jesus!.She had a hard time standing and was falling down on her friend. We ended up walking with the three of them towards their car and gave them our number to contact us. While Rosa was very intoxicated, and even somewhat argumentative--she still wanted to continue talking with me. As we walked them across the street to their car--she fell down in the middle of the road and had to be carried away by her friends. Pray for her salvation and that she will find my number in her pocket when she sobers up..We saw the police officer again that we ran into at Biketober Fest who claimed to be a "pagan." It was funny, but we could not get her to make eye contact with us! We walked by her a number of times as she worked security at the club and she would literally turn the other way to avoid looking at us..I really feel that the Lord was showing me that she was ashamed! I feel that she lied to us about beign a pagan the first time that we met to get us off her back, but in reality she is just a backslidden Christian--and now she feels guilty for denying Christ and just can't come to grips with what she has done..As we left for the night we had the opportunity to meet Debbie (the parking attendants) boyfriend. He too was a "devout Catholic" who also could not quote ONE passage from the Bible. He quickly let us know that he didn't like "in your face" Christians who are just so direct. I told him that his eternal soul was worth me being direct about. We spent the next several minutes answering his questions and calling him out on his hypocracy and sin. (He admitted that he and Debbie were living in fornication) we invited him to church and headed home for the night.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Salt seasons, purifies, preserves. But somebody ought to remind us that salt also irritates. Real living Christianity rubs this world the wrong way.
Vance Havner

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


We are soon to get things kicking for Jesus in Daytona Beach and other areas. We have ministered in the area already on several occasions but nothing like we want to do. The whole move thing has been much more than expected. We are suppose to be able to move into our apartment this week and we are looking forward to that!!! Pastor Alex and Holly have been a blessing letting us stay in their home and we appreciate it so much.
We are now in Raleigh, North Carolina visiting our daughter, son-in-law, and two granddaughters (Taryn & Rayn). I had an awesome time ministering on the streets of Durham yesterday for about 4 or 5 hours. They have a huge homeless community. I had lunch with some of the guys and probably saw between 200 and 300 people come through the mission. I was able to minister to many.
We will be heading back to Daytona Beach tomorrow. Please pray that things open up as planned for our apartment.