Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15

Since its inception, RAVEN Ministries Int'l has endeavored to follow the directive set forth by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20 to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."  After exploring different venues to fulfill this mandate, the next logical step was to open a brick-and-mortar school where disciples can come to learn, and become equipped to fulfill their callings.  In February 2014, that vision took a huge step forward when someone purchased for the ministry the building now known as the RAVEN Ministries Int'l Training Center.

While the Training Center is already operating, The RAVEN Institute is scheduled to "open" in January 2015 and will serve as an in-house ministerial education program specifically geared toward equipping and credentialing those who feel called to full-time ministry. 
Although a non-accredited institution, students have opportunity to study under pastors and degree-holding instructors who have taken the same classes they teach.  Through classroom instruction, church internships, and first-hand experience (practical ministry), men and women are trained to proclaim Christ throughout the cities of our world, whether those cities are local or on foreign soil.

Classes range from basic doctrine through advanced, topic-specific courses, equipping members of the body to function as active, mature members of the Body of Christ, capable of leading others to do the same.

Students will have opportunity to attend most courses of their choosing, as they are offered, while those felt called into governmental and credentialed ministry will follow a more directed course of study.

So, whether you feel called to full-time ministry, or just want a deeper understanding of the Word of God, The RAVEN Institute may be your answer to prayer!

For more information, please visit the RAVEN Institute's WEBPAGE.