Monday, November 12, 2007

Daytona Nights......

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Daytona Nights....
Pastor Terry and I just came in off the streets (2:00 AM) after having spent the past few hours witnessing and contending with the Devil outside of the Cities most popular night club: Razzles..We didn't have to wait long before we had our first appointment. "Debbie" was working as the parkign lot attendant when we began talking with her. It wasn't long before we knew that she "claimed" to know and love Jesus--yet had a live-in boyfried and and a drug addiction to go along with her "devotion" to the Lord Jesus Christ!.Needless to say, Pastor Terry and I spent the next little bit sharing the truth about salvation and deliverance through faith in the shed blood of Christ. It was a really great conversation and she thanked us for spending the time with her. We invited her to church and gave her our contact info. She said that she would like us to meet her boyfriend sometime and would definitely keep in touch..About twenty yards down the street we ran into three young men: (2) from the Bahamas and (1) from the Dominican Republic. They all claimed to know and serve Jesus--we didn't Gestapo them too much, but really admonished them to serve God and be real in their walk with Christ..Our next major encounter was with "Gabriel" as college student from the Bronx (NY) who was 21 and a "devout Roman Catholic." He was with another young man who sid that he never "argued religion or politics" on the streets--but he certainly caught the whole of our conversation with Garbriel!.It didn't take long to find out that Gabriel wasn't even a very good "Catholic" as he was partying in the night club and admitted to being in a fornicative relationship with his girlfriend. We call him out on his sin in accordance with the Word and he attempted to tap dance around his lifestyle by declaring that it would be okay because, "He was a Catholic" to which we testified that it would not be okay and that unless he repented he would spend eternity in Hell..Garbriel was further exposed when I gave him my customary "Catholic Challenge" by asking if he could quote JUST ONE passage from the Bible--chapter and verse (Just One!!) and he could not! It was as though he had his britches pulled down and was given a good lashing on the backside!.I presented him the plan of salvation and told him that it would take genuine repentance--yet he chose to remain a lost Catholic and I told him that he was now without excuse becaue we had given him the full counsel of God and then we walked away..About 45 minutes later he and his friend would once again come over to us and he said, "Hey I know a scripture! God grant me the serenity..." I interupted him and said, "MMMMMAAAA--wrong answer--that is not in the Bible--THAT is the serenity prayer that they quote at AA meetings" He was busted but thought it MUST be in the Bible..He pulled out his IPhone and got on the internet and tried to look it up in an online Bible--but soon found out that it was not a Bible verse. We continued to talk with him and told him that he was without excuse now because God had sent men to tell him the truth. I offered to give him a Bible to which he said,"Yes" and said that he would call to set up a time to meeet me..Next we met "Rosa", her boyfriend and her girlfriend, Alicia as they came out of the club. Rosa was VERY drunk and was being led out by Alicia when we started witnessing to them. Rosa stopped and begin to get argumentative as she struggled to stand on her feet. I grabbed hold of her and began to bind that drunken devil in the name of Jesus!.She had a hard time standing and was falling down on her friend. We ended up walking with the three of them towards their car and gave them our number to contact us. While Rosa was very intoxicated, and even somewhat argumentative--she still wanted to continue talking with me. As we walked them across the street to their car--she fell down in the middle of the road and had to be carried away by her friends. Pray for her salvation and that she will find my number in her pocket when she sobers up..We saw the police officer again that we ran into at Biketober Fest who claimed to be a "pagan." It was funny, but we could not get her to make eye contact with us! We walked by her a number of times as she worked security at the club and she would literally turn the other way to avoid looking at us..I really feel that the Lord was showing me that she was ashamed! I feel that she lied to us about beign a pagan the first time that we met to get us off her back, but in reality she is just a backslidden Christian--and now she feels guilty for denying Christ and just can't come to grips with what she has done..As we left for the night we had the opportunity to meet Debbie (the parking attendants) boyfriend. He too was a "devout Catholic" who also could not quote ONE passage from the Bible. He quickly let us know that he didn't like "in your face" Christians who are just so direct. I told him that his eternal soul was worth me being direct about. We spent the next several minutes answering his questions and calling him out on his hypocracy and sin. (He admitted that he and Debbie were living in fornication) we invited him to church and headed home for the night.

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