It was another beautiful night on the streets as far as the weather last night. We hit the streets around 11:00 p.m. This is so different from what we experienced in the Midwest on December 1st. Our team consisted of Pastor Alex & Holly, Toni, Cindy, Deb, Sue, Rusty and Eileen and I. We had non stop ministry from the time we got out of the van until around 3:45 a.m.
Eileen and I started out ministering to Mike and Thomas. Mike on the right has a family at home but comes out to hang out with his friends on the weekend at Razzle’s. He does not drink and it a very polite young man and interested in getting his life right with Jesus. We will be hooking up in the near future. His roomate Thomas tries to justify everything. He says that he drinks and has sex with his girlfriend but is insistant that he will go to heaven. When we would try to show him that he was in sin and needing to repent he would have another excuse. I told him that I knew his last name and that his full name had to be Thomas Justify. These two guys would be awesome to have on the streets with us winning the lost to Jesus.
Pastor Alex, Holly and Toni minister to Michael, a young man that has had a walk with Jesus in the past but is not truly living for Him totally today. He battles with lust which brought him to hang out around Razzle's.
Rusty and Toni minister to one of the owners of Razzle's. We make them very uncomfortable ministering in front of their nightclub. They attempt to hassle us by calling the police over saying that we are blocking the sidewalk. We are not going anywhere and we believe that he will come to know Jesus.
I am ministering the Word to Terry here. He was with Michael who Pastor Alex, Holly and Toni was ministering to. Eileen and I ministered to him and he was carrying a huge burden. He ended up repenting of his sin and dedicating his life to JESUS!!!! We have his number and will be working with him in the near future.
Pastor Alex, Holly, Toni and Rusty stand out in front of Razzle's waiting for more fish to come by.
Shawn was a 19 year old that is caught up in the rap music life. He knows what he should be doing but fails to do it and he also has a brother named Kenneth that is studying to be a minister. Shawn stayed with Eileen and I for a long time. We prayed for his brother's health issues and Shawn is excited about us getting with his brother to lift him up and encourage him in the Word. We strongly believe that Shawn will be part of the Daytona team in the near future.
Eileen, Rusty and I ministered to Frank and Will. Will is former military and Frank is still active in the military just returning from Kuwait. Rusty makes a point with them concerning when they are going to start serving the Lord. They both stood in front of Razzle's lusting over women and hoping to pick one up. We talked to both of them about how we need guys like them to help us in reaching the lost. My Bible is behind Eileen on the wall, I do not usually take it out but I was led to do it and have them read the scriptures that I point out to them. Showing these two brothers what the Word says in Matthew 5:28 about lust!!!
Most of the team zeroes in on a young homeless girl who was walking around the area.
The team did an awesome job of ministering the Word to the people. We will not be out on SeaBreeze next week. We will be at a "block party in the hood" in Miami next Saturday.