We just got in off the streets of Daytona Beach. We minster outside the clubs off of Seabreeze. The national cheerleading championships are taking place here this weekend. What we see is really sad and that is a lost generation. The girls dress like prostitutes and the guys walking around with their pants half down and many hold themselves. Where are the parents? Where are the churches that will preach the true Word of God? Why won't they preach repentance today? The college professors are leading these youth down the road to hell with their promotion of evolution and other trash. Where are the "Christians" that should be warning these kids of the danger of eternal hell? Many of the so called "Christians" are playing church and letting people that do not come to their church doors go to hell!! Pastor Troy called a local church tonight and left a message for the head pastor to let him know that we were ministering to many of his flock at the clubs. What is going on with this modern day church? Pastor Troy told the pastor that he has sheep that have gone astray and to please send someone out after them. What would it be like if the pastor would lead his church to the streets to reach the lost sheep? Very few pastors will go to reach the lost on the streets. This is pitiful!!! They will tell you that it is not their calling. Many so called Christians will want to argue the Word of God with us. That comes from a "charmin soft" message that is being preached in the modern day church today!!! It is such a sad thing to see so many young people that are on their way to hell for eternity but we will be back out again tomorrow night praying that we can just snatch some of them from the pits of hell.
If you call yourself a Christian and you are not reaching out to the lost then shame on you!! Jesus said in Mark 16:15 to "go and preach the gospel to all creation". If you are not reaching out to the lost are you somehow exempt from following what he said in Mark 16:15? I don't think so!! Remember this if you call yourself a "Christian" then that means that you should be "Christ-like". Jesus went out to reach the lost and so should every one of us!!
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