Sunday, June 29, 2008

Daytona Saturday Nights/RAVEN REVOLUTION

If the Lord has to do it with an 8 year old He is going to use His people to get the Gospel preached. Judah Hill holds the sign telling people that pass by that he is concerned about their souls. He asked them "are you living your life for the Lord Jesus"? Young Juday ministered to person after person!! Why is it that a child will go out and minister the Gospel but so many adults sit in the church building and never share the gospel? The youth from 8-22 years old were on fire and telling everyone about Jesus and asking them why aren't they living their lives for Him???Judan ministers to another lost young man? What is a person going to say negative when an 8 year old comes at them with THE WORD???
Troy ministers the WORD!!! Rusty and Hope minister to a couple lost young women that were trying to justify their sin.
This guy borrowed Rusty's Bible so that he could minister to someone else.
Pastor Alex and Daniel Durrance minister to a man.
Daniel holds the cross and discusses something with Pastor Troy.
Many of the youth layed hands on a young man and prayed for him.Sue Scott doesn't need a cab, she is telling the driver that he is in need of a SAVIOR!!Laura holds a sign that tells what it is like with many people that we talk to out there.Pastor Alex ministers to a couple guys that stuck around for a long time.Pastor Scott Durrance ministers to one of the same guys.Christy King ministers to a very lost man. I have minstered to this guy before and he twists the Word to fit his sin. He blasphemes God and carries a very evil spirit.Prayer goes up for this guy!!Rusty and Hope minister to everyone passing by.A few too many overwelm this young man. We will go over that. Pastor Craig, Pastor Scott and Cole Prathaftakis minister to a group of young guys.Toni ministers to a guy.

What a time we had tonight. The owners of this club (Razzle's) are very upset with us preaching the gospel in front of their club. It is very hard to see on a weekly basis the mass amount of people on their way to eternal hell!! Pray that God will raise more youth to win the lost for JESUS. Pray for our group of young people that they will continue to hunger in the WORD and never lose their heart for lost souls. We will be back out on the streets Sunday evening!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Beginning of "RAVEN YOUTH REVOLUTION" - Daytona Friday Nights!!

This was the new shirt for the youth. Seventeen youth from different parts of the country and Canada came into Daytona for nine days of evangelism training and teaching. Ages 13 to 22 years old. Christy King prays for the team prior to hitting the streets. Hope Hill and Layne Prathaftakis are on each side of Christy.Laura and Denise in prayer prior to going out.Prep Prayer!!!!
Another new sign this week that brought conviction to many. I ministered to people telling them that they loved their sin more than they love Jesus. The team did an awesome job of ministering the Word tonight!!
Eileen and Donna prepare to get busy!!!

Pastor Scott holds a sign that also pierces some hearts.These are not the devils street corner girls. These are warriors Christy King & Destiny Durrance hammering the Word of God to people as they passed. Rusty and Chad were ministering with music on the corner with them.It was awesome to hear Daniel Durrance minstering the Word of God out there tonight!!!!Eileen ministers to a woman that was demon possessed. Pastor Alex joined in with her later. At one point the woman fell over on her bicycle and started manifesting.Laura ministers to a young man. Laura was very active for Jesus tonight.We not only ministered outside of Razzle's but we also hit the Aqua Lounge which was very busy tonight. People stood in the line outside the building and looked at our signs as we ministered to them. Troy ministers the WORD!!!!Troy ministers the WORD AGAIN!!!! This sign tells it all out there on the streets. Many will profess to know Jesus and will refuse to stand for Him. This is not all that different from most churches because few will actually stand for him in the church either. Oh, that's right, most of these people that we run across are "church folk"??????
We will do an outreach in a project area near International Speedway Blvd. & Nova Rd. tomorrow @ 12:30 then we will be back on the streets tomorrow night!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday Mid-Day Banana Outreach

We want to thank our produce partner, "Watson's Produce" for donating bananas to the ministry today. Bananas to the tune of 400-500 pounds. This produce company gives us all types of vegetables, fruit, milk, cheese and other items which open the door to be able to minster the Word of God to people.
Today, Eileen, Donna (from RAVEN EastCoast), and I set out to distribute the bananas. We have a number of regular neighborhoods that we hit on a regular basis. We have made friends which we talk with and pray for and always meet new people. Some of these people are very elderly and love to see us show up just so they have someone to talk to.
After going to two of the regular neighborhoods we were led to check out a project area. There were not very many people around as we started passing out the bananas. All of a sudden more and more kids showed up and as we ran out of the bananas they kids were still coming. We were holding back a case to use for an upcoming event that we are having but we had to break it out seeing the disappointed little faces. Many of the kids ate them as soon as they had them in their hands. It is heartbreaking to run out of food and not have enough for everyone. We told them that we will come back next week and do a cookout. We will take grilled cheese, hot dogs, polish sausage and the works to do a full blown outreach for them. It will be very special to bless these people. If there is anyone in the Daytona area that would like to join us contact me at 492-7826.
We had some awesome ministry with a 22 year old guy named Melvin. Eileen was ministering with him while Donna and I were talking with others then we joined her. He shared with Eileen that he loves Jesus but he has some things that he was caught up in. We shared with him that if he loved Jesus he would follow his commands. He agreed with us and then we asked him when he was going to turn his life over to Jesus. He asked us to pray for him and I told him that we did not have a magic prayer to pray over him. I told him that it was going to take him repenting of his sinful life and living for Jesus. I told him that the women, drugs, alcohol and whatever else he was involved in would have to stop. He then said that he was not ready to accept Jesus into his life. He said that he needed to take time to think about it and I told him that none of us are promised tomorrow. I told him that when he started loving Jesus more than he loves his sin then he will live for Him. Melvin was very respectful but also very lost!!! Please pray for him to get his life right with Jesus.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Daytona Saturday Nights...............

We were out again last night into the same things. God mockers, false converts galore, drunken Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, etc. professing to be right with Jesus. We had many more mockers tonight, people that would mock Jesus and say awful things about Him of course accompanied with profanity. Children of the devil is what they were. Satan has blinded them and will laugh at them in hell because he was successful in deceiving them. The team consisted of Pastor Scott, Pastor Craig & Toni, Brittany, Brett, Destiny, Christy, Daniel, Lora, Kayla, RAVEN Deb, and I.

The crowd was larger than last night and the team stayed busy all night.Brittany (17 years old) ministers to a guy.

Update on Yolanda from last night. It was so awesome because I was not able to locate her on the way there. I prayed that the Lord would lead me where she was on the way home. I checked the area on the way home and still could not locate her. I was led to turn down a dark street that I have never been on. I drove two blocks and there she was standing (working) on the corner. We talked again about her getting her life right. She confessed when asked about using crack today that she had. She was under the influence as we talked. She said that she would go to church in the morning. I ask that you all continue to pray for her. She has a son and a 1 year old grand baby.

We have more pictures to come.

We will be back out on the streets possibly Wednesday but for sure Friday.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


We had a time again on the strip in Daytona Beach. The team consisted of Pastor Troy, Pastor Scott, RAVEN Deb, Eileen, Destiny, Brittany, Brett and myself. We wanted to hit the Aqua Club tonight but the team was so busy outside of Razzle's that we were never able to move the team.

We had our first poster sign attached to the cross tonight!! It really opens the door to share the Word. So many read the sign and dropped their heads. We want to get a variety of signs with different scripture for different events and different places that we minister. It is so effective!!! If you are interested in helping with the expense for these please e-mail me @ We get the signs done at Kinko's and they are $23.00 a piece.

Pastor Troy will comment on this sign also that he made. It was super effective catching the eyes of so many people. He stood right outside the front door most of the night.When you get this cross stood up the sign is visible from a good distance. Eileen and Pastor Scott minister to the lady in yellow. I ministered to the one in the dark clothing with the silver belt. She was very respectful as I told her how she could be a stumbling block for some guy stepping into sin by lusting over her. I told her that she was glorifying the devil with the way she was dressed. I asked her what her grandma would think about how she was dressed. She said that her grandma would throw a fit. She proclaimed to love Jesus and I told her that she was doing nothing to show her love for Him. This picture gives you a good look at how these girls dress. Most of them are dressed like this. They dress like prostitutes!!

I had one that said that she was living her life for Jesus and I said to her "your dressed like a hooker and your living your life for Jesus"? She came back at me like she was going to hit me calling me a "country red neck along with some foul language". I said "look at you, the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". I did not focus near as much with her as I did with the people that stopped to see what was going on. She turned out to be a tool to minister to a number of people. She did receive the Word though on the way she was living her life.

Eileen and I ministered to this couple from Poland. They were Catholics as most from Poland are. They were just as lost as most Catholics in the U.S. The guy told me that he loved Jesus and Mary. I told him that Jesus said in John 14:15 that "if you love Me you will keep My commands. He said that he did that. I questioned him as to if he was intoxicated tonight? He said "yes" I am. I told him that he was going against the commands of the Jesus that he said he loves. I asked if the lady was his wife. He said no but they live together. I said "you love Jesus so I know that you are not having sex with her are you"? He answered "yes we make love". I told him "no man, you are not making love, you are having sex and again your going against the commands of God". The couple was very respectful and said that they were going to work on getting a better relationship with Jesus.

PT minsters to some ladies.PT minsters to this lady after closing time. He will comment on this soon......I have to ask PT if this really was a lady.....the more I look I am not sure?????Eileen minsters to this man from Africa. She will comment on this soon...............They looked to have a real good conversation and she said that he may be joining us for church on Sunday.

Here is another place that is on our target of places to hit. They call it a "gentlemen's club", I call it a "pervert's club". I look forward to minstering there!!!!

It looks like we will be attending the ball on July 12th. We will have our good friend and awesome brother in the Lord, William Taylor from Durham, North Carolina to assist us that weekend.

The highlight of the night came on our way home. The last few weeks we have been cruising through a rough neighborhood on the way home. We always see drug dealers, drug addicts, alcoholics, and prostitutes in this area. We passed a lady of the night just as we were getting ready to turn off of Ridgewood. Eileen and I could tell that she was a prostitute. We turned the corner and stopped. She was a little ways off but she started toward the van. I told Eileen that there would be no way that she would come all the way up to us because she would get close and be able to read the van then she would walk off. She continued all the way to my window of the van!! I said "what's going on" and she responded with "are you the police"? I said "no" and extended my hand to her and she put her very cold hand in mine. I held it and told her that my name was Pastor Terry. She said "oh my God" and dropped her head putting her hands over her face and began to cry. We talked to Yolanda and told her that we would like to get with her tomorrow to take her to dinner and try to help her. Yolanda is hooked on crack and is selling her body to support her habit. She told us that she has kids. She did not stop crying the whole time that we were with her. Imagine being on the dark streets @ 3:45 a.m. and doing what she does??? Crack is destroying the lives of so many people and is one of the devil's favorite tools. She did not have a number that we could contact her at but she promised that she would contact us. PLEASE PRAY that she will contact us!!!!

We will be hitting the streets again tomorrow night so if you are in the area of Daytona Beach give me a call (386) 492-7826.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Daytona Saturday Nights...............

Tonight was again awesome just like last night. The Cross brings a whole new experience to witnessing on the streets. The conviction that it brings to people that profess to be living for the Lord but know that they are in sin. Many of those see it when it is too late to take another route then walk by dropping their head in shame. It brings anger by some and they want to argue that the sin they are walking in is ok. When we first brought the Cross out there was a group of 10-15 guys that just stared wondering what was going on. In no time Christie, Brittany and Destiny were telling them exactly what the Cross stood for!!

The team was all over ministering the Word tonight. Destiny (left) ministers to a young man, Pastor Alex ministers to a couple young men, and Pastor Craig & Toni have someone also. We were talking tonight on the topic of if we were to take a poll of everyone asked the question "are you living your life for Jesus", it would be very close to 100% saying yes. This is the fault of America's modern day church. Many church leaders will stand before the Lord with blood on their hands because of not teaching people the truth concerning the Word of God.

Pastor Scott ministers to a couple young men that were so lost. They mocked God and made a joke of God's Word.

Pastor Alex & Pastor Craig minister to a man.

I ministered to this young man that professed that he loves the Lord Jesus. He was a very respectful guy and listened intently as I showed him the error of his ways. He said that he wanted to hold the cross and was very touched to change the lifestyle he is living.

Brittany (17 years old) was all over the place calling this generation out for not being the "Christians" they professed to be. I heard her minister to several and she did an awesome job.

Deb prays with a young man that she ministered to for a long time.

From Deb....... Kyle - i met Kyle, he is 20 and on his way to 1 year and one day at the Gladiator prison in Brevard. He initially took the blame for something for a younger friend, then his probation got violated and there you are...he is on his way to prison. He wants to go into the Marines when he gets out. i spoke the truth of Jesus into his life and listened to him tell me of his believing grandparents who have kept him from worse things. We prayed and i heard his plea to God for renewed strength to follow Him..

"But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." 1 Peter 5:10

Pastor Scott ministers to a guy that tries to justify his sin. This guy was lusting over women all night.

Brittany gets another one............

This cab driver got out of his cab and lusted over young girls. When called out he said that he loves the Lord but loves to lust over women. When he was taken to Matthew 5:28 he said that if lust would send him to hell he guessed that he would be going there because he loves it so.

Pastor Scott ministers to another guy that was out there trying to justify his sin of alcohol, lust and being a liar. He said that the Lord knows all of this and is still going to let him go to heaven without repenting???????

There will be updates soon with more of what was going on in various witnesses.

We will be back on the streets next Friday and Saturday nights.