Layne Prathaftakis of RAVEN MIDWEST holds the cross with many of the Youth Revolution Team backing him up. This is getting to be harder and harder ground where we minister on the strip in Daytona Beach. As we have mentioned before, most of these people profess to be Christians. They think what they are doing is ok???? Have they never cracked open the BIBLE??? As the sign says "they honor HIM with their lips but their hearts are far from HIM!!! In other words "THEY ARE OF THE DEVIL" because they seek to do his will.

Here is Destiny Durrance with one of the owners who made sure to tell her that he is a lawyer. Here he tries to plead his case but he gets shut down by the defense of the gospel given by Destiny. Destiny gave him a spanking with the Word of God. I hope that his courtroom appearances were better than this one!!
Matthew 22:29 Jesus answered them, "You are mistaken because you don't know the Scriptures or God's power".
Below Eileen and Robin letting the people know that they are concerned about their souls!!

This woman was a good example of someone who is totally lost spiritually and says that she is a Christian. Usually by the time you show them how they are wrong according to the WORD then they will cuss you out and show who their father really is.
John 8:47 (JESUS SAID) "The one who belongs to God listens to the words of God. The reason you do not listen is because you do not belong to God."

PT speaks with a couple guys that told us that they want to come out with us and share the GOSPEL!!

Pastor Scott ministers to a guy from Norway who professed to be Catholic. He was living pretty much the same life that an American Catholic lives that we talk to. Intoxicated, swearing and living his life for the devil!!
Pastor Sam (EastCoast) ministered to this "PK" for a long time. I do not know all the details but he was very angry at times with a very foul mouth.
Troy minsters to a young man.

Brittany stays busy and wears these young guys out!!

Eileen ministers to a hispanic guy.

Robin, Eileen, and Daniel minister to this guy from Georgia who professed to be a Christian but was drunk and also foul mouthed. He was also on his way to the Lollipop's (strip club).

There is so much to this picture.....Pastor Sergio & Pastor Troy minister to this guy who I was also able to minister to. He said that there was no doubt that he was a Christian. As we went through the scriptures that showed that he wasn't living his life for the Lord he became very angry and started cussing us out. He has two preachers, two signs facing him and a young lady (Hope) weeping for his soul.
Pastor Sergio ministering to another guy.
Pastor Sergio after another soul!!
Layne to the left as Troy walks with two irritated women that he was giving the Word to.
Eileen and Holly minister to this guy who professed to be a Christian but was trying to justify his sin.
Destiny and Laura went up on the wall at closing time and ministered to all that passed by. This was an awesome example of two young ladies telling others what Jesus says about what they are doing and that there is a better life.
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