This is a close up of the picture of the young man that was used. As you can see, he is holding a beer bottle in one hand and sticking up his middle finger with the other. Pastor Sam ministered to a woman that was out there and she said that she wasn't ready for a relationship with the Lord right now. She was one of those that was angry with the Lord because of what happened. What a lie from the pits of hell that is when one feels that way. Pastor Sam gave the lady his card and told her to call him 10 minutes before she was going to die and then he would come down and lead her to Jesus. She said "why would you say that to me, I don't know when I am going to die". His response was "exactly". This young man seemed to be living the "thug life" and with that gets a trip to hell when one dies. We ministered to many using him as an example.
Some of the artwork of Maple Street.This man's name is Eric. I approached him and he said "I remember you from two years ago". Eric is addicted to heroin. He told me that he really wants to get his life on track. Pastor George ministered to him also and hopefully he will get with Pastor George in the near future. I told Eric that I have only been there 3 times and it is not by accident that we have crossed paths 2 of the 3 times. Please pray for Eric that he will get right with JESUS!!
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Pastor Terry & Eileen Shuff
1117 Shockney Lane
Ormond Beach, FL. 32174